COASTFRAG – Meet the international teams

COASTFRAG is funded by the Research Council of Norway under grant agreement n. 314314. It is led by NIVA – the Norwegian Institute for Water Research (coordinator: Trine Bekkby), with the participation of 5 additional partners from Norway (University of Oslo, team leader: Sven Fredriksen), Estonia (University of Tartu, team leader: Jonne Kotta), the United Kingdom (Scottish Association for Marine Science, team leader: Mike Burrows), Spain (Blanes Centre for Advanced Studies, team leader: Emma Cebrian), and Italy (Studio Associato Gaia, team leader: Martina Milanese).



Logo of COASTFRAG coordinator Norwegian Institute for Water Research
Logo of COASTFRAG partner University of Bergen
Logo of COASTFRAG partner University of Tartu
Logo of COASTFRAG partner Scottish Association for Marine Science
Logo of COASTFRAG partner Blanes Centre for Advanced Studies
Logo of COASTFRAG partner Studio Associato Gaia